Support for Tobacco Harm Reduction grows
During the seminar, “Prohibition is not regulation!”we learned that an understanding that prohibitions do not lower the use of psychoactive substances or peoples want for
During the seminar, “Prohibition is not regulation!”we learned that an understanding that prohibitions do not lower the use of psychoactive substances or peoples want for
This is one of those crazy articles that make me enjoy working in harm reduction. The article announces UK’s decision to have medically approved e-cigarettes for those, who are interested in quitting smoking cigarettes. It is a fantastic validation of the power that this new technologies can have on improving and extending the health of people in our societies!
This is a very short letter that is written by European Tobacco Harm Reduction Advocates (ETHRA) in the name of all ex-smokers who have drastically improved their health outcomes by switching to nicotine alternative products. This is a great read for those that may not have the time to read for longer, but want to get a clear understanding of the key reasons why so many people are getting up and arms for tobacco harm reduction!
This piece is written by a past cigarette smoker and he has got quite the few words to say to his politicians about how he came to stop smoking. He highlights that not every smoker want to quit and when/if they do decide to move away from cigarettes he should have loads of safer options to choose from. He points out that as politicians limit vapes as they fear enticing new generations into using these product, the older generation of existing current smokers are told, “my way or highway”, in other words it is quit or die.
I chose to add this article to our collection here because I really enjoyed how Gerry Stimson connects alternative nicotine product use with our human rights. He argues that it is our right to enjoy the developments of technology and science and points out that all these vapes, e-cigarettes or snus’ etc. are products of this technological and scientific innovation. Which means that if we do acknowledge the importance of United Nation conventions then we have the right to access other safer nicotine delivery products than the traditional smokable cigarettes.
This article is a must read for anyone interested in a simple summary of the current state of cigarette use in the world and understanding what exactly is tobacco harm reduction. The article highlights the central element of harm reduction: “making the choice to improve their health” which is what we are also very much in support of! It is about giving smokers the choice to use more or less harmful products, rather than taking them all away and expecting the smokers to quit. Which brings up the second point for why I would recommend you read this particular article: they stigmatise stigmatisation – shaming and scolding does not inspire change and as such, there is no room for shaming current smokers for not quitting, instead it is all about giving choices and information to build on informed choices.
If you are serious about getting the whole picture on e-cigarettes then this is the paper for you. It is put together by UK medical experts who were gathered to review e-cigarettes. It bursts all the myths and fears that people have about e-cigarettes (bubble lung, hospital deaths etc. etc.) and suggests clear areas for improvement. If you do read this, please get in touch and tell me your thoughts!
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