In 2023-2024 year we are taking on our newest project called Diversity in Dependency funded by Knowledge Action Change.
The project highlights the diversity that exists among people who benefit from tobacco harm reduction (THR) projects everyday. It is important to show that, unlike the mainstream media messaging, THR products are not here to target young, white, middle class kids. They are available to people of all ages, genders, sexualities, ethnicities, classes, as well as mental and physical abilities.
It is people who are stigmatised in society who usually suffer the highest risk of developing dependencies to substances and who engage with substances in the most risky ways. For nicotine that is through the use of traditional combustable cigarettes. Therefore, we believe it is important to show how various diverse people benefit by utilising THR products through this project!
In 2020-2021 Tobacco Harm Reduction Scholarship Programme (THRSP) allowed us the opportunity to create this website and share the first few stories from people about their experiences with tobacco harm reduction.